Catholic Education – Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn
Creative Services Panel – Phase 1
The following portfolio showcases examples of Communication Link work across photography, copywriting, speech writing and graphic design services.
Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation
Communication Link partnered with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to drive and develop communication and change activities to ensure the success of the ACCCE, which was launched in 2018. We continued to provide services until 2022, when the Centre became part of business as usual for state and federal police.
Services to the AFP during this time include:
- Branding
- Social media and online engagement
- Speeches and talking points
- Website development and content
- Media response management
- Multi-media production
- Workshop design and delivery
The products publicly available can be found below.
- Communication Link undertook the development of all content for the ACCCE website
ACCCE Website
- Communication Link wrote all media releases prior to 2023
News and Events | ACCCE
- Communication Link wrote the key ACCCE Research Report
ACCCE Research Report | ACCCE
- Communication Link developed the copy for the launch of Trace an Object.
Stop Child Abuse - Trace an Object | ACCCE
City Renewal Authority
Our team provides ongoing resources and surge capacity on projects as required, drawing on our broad range of communication and engagement professionals and in-house design capability.
Over the past year, we have developed and implemented numerous project-based communication and engagement plans. Services provided to the Authority include:
- Communication and engagement strategies
- Social media plans and content
- Publications editing and development
- Promotional collateral including postcards, fliers, fact sheets, posters, banners, project maps
- Community pop-ups, doorknocks and drop-ins
- Community and project team workshop facilitation.
Communication Link wrote the copy and graphically designed the 2022-23 Annual Report.
CRA Annual Report 22-23
Communication Link developed the talking points to support Renewal Authority Chief Executive City Malcom Snow in the following interview:
City Renewal Authority Chief Executive City Malcom Snow Interview
Just a few examples of the social media content Communication Link develop for City Renewal Authority weekly.
City Renewal Authority Facebook Page
Communication Link has been, as Evoenergy’s engagement and communication partner since 2014. During this time Communication Link has developed an organisation wide approach to consumer
engagement and has implemented effective engagement programs across regulatory submissions, infrastructure projects, national and local policy changes and increased industry deregulation.
Service provided to Evoenergy include:
- Collateral and content design of fact sheets, consumer guides, consumer charters and case studies
- Technical writing
- Website content
- Delivery of consumer engagement strategies and all supporting collateral and artefacts
- Speech writing.
Communication Link Case Study - Evoenergy
Communication Link developed all content for the Engage with Energy website, providing copywriting and user-centric design services.
NRM Regions Australia
NRM Regions Australia is a small not-for-profit organisation that represents the 54 regional Natural Resource Management organisations across Australia. In response to the growth of the organisation, NRM Regions Australia engaged Communication Link to enhance and streamline organisational communication. Services provided to NRM Regions Australia includes:
- A rapid assessment of communication and engagement channels
- Development of a social media strategy
- Establishment of a monthly content calendar for social media channels and development of content and visuals to populate that calendar
- Collation and promotion of monthly snapshot capturing work undertaken across the national network
- Drafting of media releases on behalf of the NRM Regions Australia CEO in response to Government funding announcements
- Design and typesetting of a range of factsheets
- Development of branded factsheet and report templates
- Social media templates that align with the organisational brand and visual aesthetics.
NRM Regions Australia is an ongoing client of Communication Link, we are currently in our second year of working together.
Communication Link Case study - NRM RA
Communication Link provide content support preparing media releases on an ad-hoc basis.
Communication Link have provided editing and design services for a range of NRM Regions Australia products, including a suite of fact sheets.
NRM Factsheet - A4
NRM Carbon plus biodiversity
NRM_Blue carbon
University of New South Wales
Communication Link delivered a six-week engagement campaign to consult with campus users and other stakeholders on what could be part of a new and innovative campus. Services provided to the University of New South Wales include:
- An engagement program of targeted activities that explored user needs and wants for the new sites and facilities
- Delivery of a design and discovery workshop with the project team to identify and define a core set of engagement themes
- Development of an online survey and supporting promotional collateral
- Development on articles for internal communication networks promoting the project
- Development of talk points and information for university management to encourage participation with the project.
Communication Link Case Study - UNSW
Communication Link developed a range of engagement boards to support interactions and engagement with UNSW staff and students. These were utilised at in-person pop-up events across their ACT and Sydney campuses.
Access and navigation corflute
External areas
Woolworths Hawker
Communication Link worked with Woolworths to actively seek input from the local community and users of the Hawker facilities. A program of community engagement informed people across a range of age and cultural demographics of proposed changes and gathered the thoughts and opinions of community members to understand how people envisioned the appearance, atmosphere, and functionality of the area. Service provided for Woolworths include:
- Design of project website
- Design and development of information collateral for community members
- Design and development of promotional artefacts including poster and postcard
- Design and development of social media imagery
Following this project, Woolworths engaged Communication Link for further projects within NSW.
Communication Link Case study - Woolworths Hawker
Communication Link designed and developed the content, visuals and technical build of the project website.
Communication Link developed a range of engagement artefacts to support community feedback on the project.
A0-Coreflute-Accessibility-traffic worksheet-INSTRUCTIONS
A0-Coreflute-Businesses-services-facilities worksheet
A0 Coreflute
A0-Coreflute-Built From worksheet - INSTRUCTIONS
Communication Link provided copywriting and design services for the development of a project brochure that was distributed to all residences across four local suburbs.