Robust engagement with community and stakeholders, framed by clear and relevant information, to support an Environmental Impact Assessment process.
Effective waste management and processing is a high-demand sector. In 2020, Hi-Quality sought to expand its industrial waste management site in Fyshwick, Canberra. They had already undertaken consultation for their Environmental Impact Statement, but the consultation assessment was found insufficient.
Hi-Quality engaged Communication Link to deepen the consultation to meet the requirements of an Environmental Impact Statement and pre-development application approval process.
Communication Link designed and delivered a six-week stakeholder and community consultation program.
Canberra community and stakeholders had concerns about the changing nature of Fyshwick. Once a dedicated wholesale and industrial precinct, the area now includes mixed commercial and retail activity. Truck traffic, noise, vibration, dust, and odour impacts were all matters of community interest to be explored and mitigated to satisfy the regulatory requirements.
Communication Link developed a clear set of messages, provided information on the areas of community interest with detail on how these would be managed, undertook a community survey, met with community stakeholders, and ensured all information was accessible through a dedicated website.
The COVID-19 pandemic hit as the project went live and we pivoted to online delivery for all engagement activities.
The resulting final consultation report formed a key attachment for the development application. ACT Government accepted the application, finding the consultation and engagement satisfactory.