Delivered a series of engagement activities to inform the development of the new University of New South Wales (UNSW) Canberra City campus. a six-week consultation program across two states to inform Canberra's
The UNSW will transform a location previously used by the Canberra Institute of Technology. This was an opportunity to re-imagine campus design.
The first round of engagement was with neighbouring residents, surrounding community and business organisations and the community on inner North Canberra. This round of engagement informed the site Master Plan and highlighted the values of good design, connectivity with the surrounding urban infrastructure which were important to the local community.
Once the Master Plan was approved, Communication Link partnered with UNSW to consult stakeholders and facility users on their requirements and desires for the first stage of development.
The engagement activities explored the physical and social requirements of the new site and facilities. The six-week program was fast-paced, spanning two states to inform stakeholder views from both regions. Other activities included an online survey, Executive-level and stakeholder workshops, drop-in sessions and pop-ups.
More than 1,283 pieces of data were analysed to inform the architectural landscape and potential design of the new campus.